Sustainable Biotech Innovation Challenge — Biotech & Life Science Business Incubator | Mansfield Bio-Incubator

Are You Ready to Turn Your Innovative, Sustainable, Biotechnology and Medicine Ideas Into Reality?

$20K Sustainable Biotech Innovation Pitch Contest on December 6, 2023

Join us for a most exciting startup pitch contest! Whether you're a visionary entrepreneur with a game-changing product or a creative problem-solver with a disruptive service, this is your chance to shine. Our contest is a platform for passionate innovators to showcase their startups, gain valuable feedback from industry experts and investors and compete for valuable prizes. (Thanks to our hosts; the Mansfield Bio-incubator and Adler Innovation)

Specifically we are inviting incorporated early-stage companies, which have attracted $ <1M in non-dilutive funding.

Businesses working on using biology to combat climate change and environmental degradation are highly encouraged to apply.

Examples include:

·        Eco-friendly therapeutics and medical devices

·        Carbon-neutral processes in biotech, pharmaceutical, and food industries

·        Bio-approaches to waste degradation or pollution reduction

·        Bio-approaches to energy generation or storage

·        Bio-based carbon capture or other reduction in atmospheric carbon dioxide

·        Sustainable agriculture

Eligible companies will be invited to Mansfield Bio-Incubator, in person, or online on December 6, 2023, for a day of learning from experts, business and environmental coaching and pitching their ideas to senior industry executives from biotech, pharma, and cleantech companies and members of the investment community.


·        First Place: $20,000

·        Second place: $10,000

·        Third place: $5,000

Additional prizes will be announced later.

Don't miss your shot at making your entrepreneurial dreams a reality. Join us, and let's embark on a journey of innovation, entrepreneurship, and success together. Sign up now to be part of the future!

Apply online by November 15 using the form below.

Interested in the sponsorship? See more information here.